There are tons of Hera Pheri happening around the casting of Hera Pheri three. Earlier, it was rumored that Akshay Kumar would be doing three films – Hera Pheri three, Awara Pagal Deewana, and Welcome three. The talks were on between producer Firoz Nadiadwala and actor Akshay Kumar for a short while currently and also the reports gave in a very sense of pleasure to any or all Khiladi fans. Simply days once the reports, it came to everyone’s surprise that Hera Pheri three is casting Kartik Aaryan and not Akshay Kumar.
We place ourselves in our detective hats and tried to decipher what went wrong within the last week Kartik Aaryan exchanged Akshay Kumar. in step with our sources, producer Firoz Nadiadwala was having parallel conversations with each Akshay and Kartik over the previous few weeks. “Firoz is keen to revive the Hera Pheri franchise and wished to begin it as presently as attainable. once the success of Bhool Bhulaiyaa a pair of, Kartik is additionally a hot property for Akshay Kumar franchises and therefore, he was discussing Hera Pheri three with each Akshay and Kartik,” as a reply.