What happens to our Instagram Account when we die

We are living in the age of social media, 2 percent of the population in the United States had a social networking profile, representing a two percent increase from the 80 percent usage reached in the previous year.

Data analysis shows that there are 4.55 billion social media users around the world in October 2021, equating to 57.6 percent of the total global population.

Have you ever wondered what will happen to your social media accounts after you die?


Account of a deceased person can be reported by a family member or a request can be dropped to remove the account.

There is an option to memorialize the Instagram account, which means that it will not get deleted and will be preserved forever. This is a great feature as there might be people who wish to visit a deceased person’s social media account, which might offer them some relief.

Once an account is tagged as memorialized Instagram will not allow anyone to login into the account. This will restrict anyone to make any changes in the post of the account and privacy settings.

Want to know more about Instagram or grow your social media presence. Visit Monster Media.