What Makes a Good Consultant?

Soft skills and industry or functional knowledge are both essential characteristics of a successful consultant. Companies employ consultants because they anticipate that they will be more knowledgeable or experienced than internal teams or individuals, or because they lack the resources needed to address the issues they are encountering.

1) Provable Depth of Knowledge

A skilled consultant should be able to demonstrate their breadth of experience within their initial conversation with a potential client. The consultant’s reputation should come across effortlessly without them having to list their achievements, provide a resume, or mention previous clients by name. Our extensive experience is clear during our strategy meetings at Open Eye.
Any sign of arrogance is a surefire way to lose business, whereas a consultant’s easy confidence generates trust from the customer. Quality consultants answer inquiries with certainty that stems from their personal experience or understanding, not from a flimsy desire to appear knowledgeable.ledge or experience, not a superficial need to be seen as enlightened.

2) Customer-first Mentality

Quality consultants do not attempt to “take the spotlight” from the client since they are aware that they are playing a supporting part in a cast in which the client is the star.
The best advisors are team players, not single performers. They are good team players who realize that the only way to develop a reliable book of business is to work closely with their clients and make their own success reliant on their satisfaction.

3) Reliable in Thought and Action

By under-promising and over-delivering, a skilled consultant positions the project for success and sets out to achieve or surpass the client’s objectives. They approach engagements with a “whatever it takes” mentality and are totally committed to meeting demands.
Being dependable is essential, therefore if a project encounters unforeseen challenges, they will communicate frequently and early. A smart consultant adjusts to shifting priorities and varying expectations.